What is Mathematical Modeling?

Mathematical Modeling is a cyclical process where students engage in (1) making sense of the situation and posing a modeling problem (2) listing quantities and assumptions; (3) representing, exploring and creating a solution/model (4) interpreting and revising the model and (5) reporting out.
Mathematical modeling (MM) is an equity and empathy lever in K-12 mathematics as it helps students make sense of real-world situations through problem-posing and decision-making.
We can develop students’ mathematical modeling competencies through routines and modeling tasks and use these look fors.
Math Modeling Phases Look Fors: Students …Reflection: What went well? What was challenging? Areas for Growth? 
1) Problem Posing- Making sense of real-world situations and posing MM problems* Ask mathematical questions related to the situation
* Use information and define the problem 
* Empathize/connect with the problem. 
* Bring in their experiences, funds of knowledge and cultural connections to the problem situation

2) Identify important quantities– Identify quantities, decisions and assumptions relevant to the problem* Name and describe relationships between important quantities/variables 
* Recognize variables can change
* Make reasonable assumptions, choices, and decisions
* Assumptions stated are relevant to the situation and MM problem

(3) Create models through exploration and representation – Mathematically explore possible models represented in various forms (equations, pictures, written descriptions, etc)* Reach a solution related to the problem posed 
* Use words, pictures, diagrams, tables and/or explanations to share a solution/model
* Use math to demonstrate understanding of how the quantities are related 
* Correctly use mathematics in their model
Perform operation on the variables and relationships
(4) Interpret and Revise Models- Interpreting or revising models in relation to the real-world context* Explain how their solution meets the situation
* Consider what if scenarios …how the model might change with other variables
* Compare and contrast other solutions/ models to identify relationship among quantities
* Revise and refine the model if necessary
(5) Report out and Take Action- Communicate and explain model to audience. Share how the model might help others.* Explain how their model works to solve the problems 
* Identify limitations in their model
* Summarize and clearly communicate their model and solution 
* Explain how  their model can help someone else in a similar situation
How did the lesson support equitable participation (multiple contributions, diverse ideas valued, high engagement)?