Advancing Equity and Strengthening Teaching through Elementary Mathematical Modeling

Culturally Responsive Math Modeling

Our work with Mathematical Modeling using the Culturally Responsive Math Teaching Framework has led us to an approach to math modeling that is more humanizing and culturally responsive to our students’ lived experience. We have coined the term “Culturally Responsive Math Modeling” (Turner et al., 2024). Learn more by clicking below.

Learn more about Mathematical Modeling

Mathematical modeling is described as “a process that uses mathematics to represent, analyze, make predictions or otherwise provide insight into real-world phenomena.
– Using the language of mathematics to quantify real-world phenomena and analyze behaviors.
– Using math to explore and develop our understanding of real-world problems.
– An iterative problem-solving process in which mathematics is used to investigate and develop deeper understanding” (GAIMME report, p. 8)

Learn more about the Culturally Responsive Math Teaching (CRMT)

We draw on Zavala and Aguirre’s (2024) framework for culturally responsive mathematics teaching (CRMT). The CRMT framework consists of three main strands: Knowledges and Identities; Rigor and Support; and Power and Participation. Each strand consists of multiple dimensions.