Module 3: Sharing Tasks

Learn about Culturally Responsive Math Modeling

This is the third module in the 6 part series. Some of the modules around the tasks can be used in different sequences but we feel that Modules 1-2 Intro to Culturally Responsive Math Modeling (CRMM) is foundational to build on any of the other work. 

Please refer to the professional learning cycle by starting with the Introduce-Prepare-Enact-Reflect phases for the Core Practices for Culturally Responsive Math Modeling (CRMM)

Thank you for your interest in this work and feel free to reach to the project team at 

Jenn, Julia, Erin, Mary Alice, Elizabeth

For Full Module for 3: Intro to Sharing Tasks –Click here

Module 3: Plan and Implement a Sharing Task


Learn about Sharing Math Modeling Tasks.


Collaboratively plan a sharing task.


Teach and collect work for formative assessment


Debrief and Reflect on the Enactment

Honoring Student Thinking (CRMT)