Advancing Equity and Strengthening Teaching through Elementary Mathematical Modeling


2023 DRK12 PI Meeting Poster  Handout

2023 TODOS Albuquerque New Mexico June 21-23

2022 NCTM Regional Conference (Dec 2022, Baltimore Ignite Community based Math Modeling to cultivate Creative Problem Solvers and Change Agents ( Suh & VA Teacher Designers)

2022 NCTM Regional Conference (March 2022, Indianapolis) Empowering Young Math Modeling Sleuths to Solve Problems

2022 AMTE Conference Presentation Centering Equity in Blended Learning Professional Development with Elementary Mathematical Modeling, – Henderson NV

(February 2022, In Person)

2021 Montana Educator Conference, organized by the Montana Federation of Public Employees: Math: It’s for the Birds (October 2021, Great Falls)

2021 Northwest Teaching for Social Justice Conference: Mathematizing Fairness, Empathy and Justice with Mathematical Modeling. 

(October 2021, Virtual)

2021 AMTE Conference Presentation- Virtual Conference
(February 2021, Virtual) 

2021 GMU Webinar

January 13, 2021 Engaging in Authentic Community-based Mathematics Modeling Tasks for Grades K-8:
Leveraging Students’ Multiple Knowledge Bases

2019 CIEAME  Conference

Core Practices to Support Early Math Modeling 

2018 PMENA Working Group on Early Math Modeling

2018 PMENA Reading Room 

Contact for access to the reading room


Elementary Math Modeling Publication by Project Investigators

Aguirre, J. M., Suh, J., Tate, H., Carlson, M. A., Fulton, E. A., Turner, E. E. (2022). Leveraging Equity and Civic Empathy through Community-Based Mathematical Modeling. Proceedings of the forty-fourth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 331-340). Murfreesboro, TN: Middle Tennessee State University.Link

Aguirre, J.M., Anhalt, C.O., Turner, E.E., Foote, M.Q., & Roth McDuffie, A. (2020) Engaging children’s mathematical knowledge bases with math modeling tasks in elementary classrooms. Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica (Mathematics). 7, 463-472. 

Aguirre, J.M., Anhalt, C., Cortez, R., Turner, E.E., & Simi-Muller, K., (2019). Engaging teachers in the powerful combination of mathematical modeling and social justice. Mathematics Teacher Educator. 7(2) 7-26.

Arnold, E. G., Burroughs, E.A., Carlson, M.A., Fulton, E. W., & Wickstrom, M.H. (2021). Becoming a Teacher of Mathematical Modeling, Grades K–5. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Carlson, M.A., Wickstrom, M.H., Burroughs, B. & Fulton, E. (2016). A Case for Mathematical Modeling in the Elementary School Classroom. Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education (APME) 2016: Mathematical Modeling and Modeling Mathematics, ed.,  Christian R. Hirsch, pp. 121–29. Reston, Va.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Suh, J. M., Burke, L., Britton, K., Matson, K., Ferguson, L., Jamieson, S., & Seshaiyer, P. (2018). Every Penny Counts: Promoting Community Engagement to Engage Students in Mathematical Modeling. In R. Gutierrez & Goffney, I. (Eds.), Annual Perspectives in Mathematics  Education: Rehumanizing Mathematics for Students who are Black, Indigenous, and/or Latin@. (pp.63-78). Reston, VA: National Council of  Teachers of Mathematics.

Suh, J., Matson, K., Seshaiyer, P., Jamieson, S., & Tate, H. (2021). Mathematical Modeling as a Catalyst for Equitable Mathematics Instruction: Preparing Teachers and Young Learners with 21st Century Skills. Mathematics, 9(2), 162. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

Suh, J. M. & Seshaiyer, P. (2019). Co-designing and implementing PBL through Mathematical Modeling in STEM contexts (529-550). In Moallem, M., Hung, W., & Dabbagh, N. (Eds). Handbook of Problem Based Learning. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.

Suh, J.M., Matson, K. & Seshaiyer, P. (2017). Engaging Elementary Students in the Creative Process of Mathematizing Their World through Mathematical Modeling. Education Sciences7(62) doi:10.3390/educsci7020062

Suh, J. & Seshaiyer, P. (2016). The Role of Information Technology in Engaging Elementary Students in Mathematical Modeling. In G. Chamblee & L. Langub (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2016 (pp. 2576-2583). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Tate, H., Proffitt, T., Christensen, A., Hunter, C., Stratton, D., Fleshman, E., Aguirre, J., & Suh, J. (2022) Mathematizing Representation in Children’s Libraries: An Anti-Racist Math Unit in Elementary Grades. Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics – Special Issue: Anti-racism in Mathematics Education. TODOS:Mathematics For All.13(1), 23-40. Link

Turner, E., Aguirre, J., Carlson, M. A., Suh, J., & Fulton, E. (2024). Resisting marginalization with culturally responsive mathematical modeling in elementary classrooms. ZDM–Mathematics Education, 1-15.

Turner, E. E., Carlson, M. A., Fulton, E. A., Suh, J., Aguirre, J. (2022). A Classroom Observation Tool for Equity-Oriented Teaching of Mathematical Modeling in the Elementary Grades. Proceedings of the forty-fourth annual meeting of the North American Chapter for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1871-1876). Murfreesboro, TN: Middle Tennessee State University. Link

Turner, E., Roth McDuffie, A., Bennett, A., Aguirre, J., Chen, M-K., Foote, M., Smith, J. (2021). Mathematical modeling in the elementary grades: developing and testing an assessment. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (IJSME). DOI:10.1007/s10763-021-10195-w

Turner, E., Chen, M-K., Roth McDuffie, A., Smith, J., Aguirre, J., Foote, M., & Bennett, A. (2021) Validating a student assessment of mathematical modeling at elementary school level. School Science and Mathematics

Turner, E., Roth McDuffie, A., Aguirre, J., Foote, M. Q., Chapelle, C.*, Bennett, A., Granillo, M. & Ponnuru, N. (2021). Upcycling Plastic Bags to Make Jump Ropes: Elementary students leverage experiences and funds of knowledge as they engage in a relevant, community-oriented mathematical modeling task (pp. 235-266)In J. Suh, M. Wickstram, L. English (Eds). Exploring Mathematical Modeling with  Young Learners. The Netherlands: Springer. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-63900-6_11

Turner, E. E., Bennett, A. B., Granillo, M., Ponnuru, N., Roth Mcduffie, A., Foote, M. Q., Aguirre, J.M. & McVicar, E. (2022). Authenticity of elementary teacher designed and implemented mathematical modeling tasks. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 1-24.

Other Relevant Research

Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Mathematical Modeling Education

Anhalt, C., Cortez, R. & Been Bennett, A. (2018).  The Emergence of Mathematical Modeling Competencies: An Investigation of Prospective Secondary Mathematics Teachers, Mathematical Thinking and Learning International Journal, 20(3) 1-20. DOI10.1080/10986065.2018.1474532

Anhalt, C. & Cortez, R. (2016).  Developing Understanding of Mathematical Modeling in Secondary Teacher Preparation, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (JMTE). December 2016,Volume 19,Issue 6,pp 523–545. DOI 10.1007/s10857-015-9309-8.

Anhalt, C. & Cortez, R. (2015).  Mathematical Modeling: A Structured Process, Mathematics Teacher, 108(6), 446-452.

Anhalt, C. (2014).  Scaffolding in Mathematical Modeling for ELLs.  Book chapter in Marta Civil and Erin Turner (Eds.)  The Common Core State Standards in Mathematics for English Language Learners: Grades K-8, pp. 111-126.  Book series: The Common Core State Standards and English Language Learners, Series Editor: Luciana C. de Oliveira.  Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) International Association Publications.

Anhalt, C., Staats, S., Cortez, R. & Civil, M., (2018).  Mathematical Modeling and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy.  Book chapter in Yehudit Judy Dori, Zemira Mevarech, and Dale Baker (Eds.), Cognition, Metacognition, and Culture in STEM Education.  Springer: the language of science, Publishing Editor Education, The Netherlands, pp. 307-330.

Anhalt, C., Cortez, R., & Smith, A.(2017)Mathematical Modeling: Creating Opportunities for Participation in Mathematics. Book chapter in Access and Equity:  Promoting High Quality Mathematics in Grades 6-8, Anthony Fernandes, Sandra Crespo, and Marta Civil (Eds.), National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), pp. 105-119.


Doerr, H.M., & English, L.D. (2003). A Modeling perspective on students’ mathematical reasoning about data. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, 34(2), 110-136.

English, L.D., Fox, J.L., & Watters, J.J. (2005). Problem posing and solving with mathematical modeling. Teaching Children Mathematics, 12(3), 156-163.

English, L. D. (2010). Young children’s early modelling with data. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 22(2), 24–47.

English, L. D. (2013). Complex modelling in the primary and middle school years: An interdisciplinary approach. In G. A. Stillman, G. Kaiser, W. Blum, & J. P. Brown (Eds.), Teaching Mathematical Modelling: Connecting to Research and Practice (pp. 491–505). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. Retrieved from

English LD, Bergman Arleback J, Mousoulides N, (2016) Reflections on progress in mathematical modelling research, The second handbook of research on the psychology of mathematics education: The journey continues p383-413

English, L. (2016).Developing Early Foundations through Modeling with DataAnnual Perspectives in Mathematics Education (APME) 2016: Mathematical Modeling and Modeling Mathematics, ed.,  Christian R. Hirsch, pp. 121–29. Reston, Va.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Felton, M., Anhalt, C., & Cortez, R. (2015).Going with the Flow: Challenging Students to Make Assumptions. Focus Issue on Mathematical Modeling, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School (MTMS), 20(6), 342-349.

Wickstrom, M. H., Carr, R., & Lackey D. (2017). Exploring yellowstone park with mathematical modeling. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School. NCTM.

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