What if Scenario routines help students focus on analyzing what might change in their model when other assumptions or variables are considered. Learn more by exploring this page.
This routine helps focus students on developing their observation and problem posing skills.
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To read a Quick Guide to Reasonable Assumptions
Goals |
To support students in making relevant assumptions and decisionsTo affirm students’ identities as knowers and doers of mathematicsTo support students in making decisions about how quantities and relationships that aren’t known could be represented in a situationTo advance equity in math learning |
Planning to Advance Equity | |
Select a scenario with different assumptions and variables. Prepare to Advance Equity– Ensure that multiple students, with diverse ideas and experiences, will contribute to the discussionProvide varied opportunities and modalities for students to contribute ideas (partner or whole-class talk, in writing, via images, in diagrams, or with stories)Think about how you will communicate to each and every student that you are curious about their thinking and honor their ideas. |