Advancing Equity and Strengthening Teaching through Elementary Mathematical Modeling

Making Ghosts

Making tasks require lots of important mathematics! It’s easy to turn any making task into a math modeling task that students can get into! There are important variables to consider in any making task and there are so many entry points for students to be successful! How might you take a making task that is already in your curriculum and turn it into an engaging modeling task? Check out a 4th grade crafty lesson on making ghosts.

Click below for more lesson resources check out Making Ghost, task sheet, student work and classroom videos-

Bee Hotel-Lesson Story

Making Bee Hotels

Spring is here!!! Meet Ms. Whitney Corcoran who is an environmentalist and loves nature! Listen to Ms. Whitney Corcoran’s Lesson Story about Making Bee Hotels with 3rd Graders and the amazing mathematical thinking that emerged from the modeling lesson.

Check out the 
Lesson Planning Tool and
Student Work Collection

Mooncake Modeling for Lunar New Year

Mooncakes are a key part of the Lunar New Year as well as the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar. Mooncakes are round to represent the full moon, which symbolizes harmony and reunion. The round shape also symbolizes completeness and unity, making them a cherished gift to exchange with loved ones. 

During the festival, families gather to share mooncakes, express gratitude for the harvest, and admire the full moon.  

Try our Mooncake Modeling Task